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Level On Finn Ice 1-12 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots

On Finn Ice 1-12

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-12 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons).

First you have to fire Matilda (the White Bird) over the floating reindeer-like structure, and launch its egg. The action will shell the snowy upper zone and Matilda has to kill (with her corpse) the red-nosed pig on the top (like on the image below):

After that, use Bubbles (the Orange Bird) and fire it in a way that lands in the middle of the pigs of the upper zone of the level (the small pig and the moustache/foreman pig) and use Bubbles' effect to inflate its body and following killing both pigs of the top and the two pigs below (sometimes one of the pigs can survive, it is nothing to be worried about).

Finally, use Tony (the Big Blue Bird) and make it fly very low: 

Tony will kill any remaining pig of the level and will remove some stuff that will give you extra points, alongside with 10,000 points from the unused bird.

You need to have at least 118,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 126,520).


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